Video cables, like audio cable, can have a huge impact on the performance of your system. A lot of people tend to overlook this and simply use the supplied cables with their equipment, which is a shame as those cables are nothing more then an after thought. Replacing your video cables with higher quality ones are literally like getting an upgraded piece of equipment for a small investment. are well know for producing some of the best video cables out there at a fraction …f what some of the other manufacturers charge.
Features and Build
In typical fashion the cable arrived in a simple Ziploc bag with a label. The cable has an attractive and durable looking mesh coating that is for looks and does not add to the performance of the cable, heatshrinked ends and top quality connectors. It is constructed of 99.99% oxygen free copper with a 99.99% oxygen free silver coating, hard-cell high-density foam dielectrics and dual shielding for RF and EMI interference. One other very important thing to mention is the fact that this cable maintains a 75 OHM impedance across its length no matter what length of cable you buy, this is very important as significant deviation from 75 Ohm’s would result in reduced image quality. This is a simple fact of how S-video works in that cable impedance is VERY important and this becomes increasingly difficult when the cable is more then 6 feet in lengths. So that this cable does it at any length is a testament it its excellent design.
Lucky for me my DVD player features two S-video outputs so I simply hooked my usual cable to one and direct to my TV and the Silver Serpent to the other and then direct to my TV as well. I have to tell you I was floored. The first movie I watched was LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring, this movie is one of the best transfers I have ever seen and this cable made it perfect. The image was noticeably sharper with much improved contrast and colors, I was speechless, this movie had never looked better (and I have probably watched it 10-15 times). I decided to pull out Signs from M. Night Shyamalan as I had noticed some real problems with this movie’s image the first time I watched, well with the Silver Serpent in place of my old cable (which was considerably more expensive then the Silver Serpent) all the problems I noticed where gone and in its place was a reference quality image with no issues.
Final Thoughts
I don’t think you could find a better S-video cable on the market at any price, granted I have yet to use everything out there but, I have seen enough and this is all I need to make me happy. I really don’t know what else there is to say, a cable this good at this price is heaven to me. Don’t even think twice if you need new video cables, head over to and load yourself up!