Vudu is launching a $400 set top box that will let you purchase ($20) or rent ($1-4) high-def movies, which are downloaded to the Vudu box over a high-speed internet connection. It promises a big selection, easily accessible – the long-sought “blockbuster in your living room.”
- Read this review from Paul Stamatiou to get up to speed. [image credit goes to PS as well]
- Now, if you’re interested, read my opinion here. Spoiler: I think Vudu sucks.
Now: please share your thoughts in the comments: is Vudu the future? Would you buy one? Why or why not?
Vudu is doomed « TechFold
10/01/2007 @ 4:17 pm
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10/01/2007 @ 5:20 pm
As an owner of both HD DVD and Blu-ray players, I cannot see myself buying this. For an extra $5-10, I would much rather buy the disc and be able to play it on multiple home theater setups. The HD movie renting is a decent option, but with online renters supporting both HD formats, this again does not look too appealing.
10/01/2007 @ 5:24 pm
Doomed indeed. I’m opposed to this device because I like having a shelf full of DVDs, many of which I acquired used or “previously viewed.” Very, very rarely do I shell out full price for a movie, and if I do, it sure wouldn’t be for a digital file restricted to a Vudu box. I realize digital will eventually take over from physical formats, but they’ll have to be files I can copy onto a high-memory flash drive for ultimate portability.
10/01/2007 @ 6:45 pm
I’ve had the privilege of playing with the Vudu for about 6 months now. Let me tell you – it rocks and if you ever see one and play with it – you will want it. Does HD-DVD or BluRay give you access to content from ALL studios? Vudu does and HD will be available once the HD terms are agreed to by the studios.
This thing is not at all doomed to failure.
10/01/2007 @ 6:57 pm
Jon – Good point about studio support. I am still not sold on it yet… maybe if the prices were lower I could see myself jumping on this disc-less media. I do like the on-screen navigation of movies, but I can see probable issues with integration between multiple home theaters within a house – not sure how this unit would network.
10/01/2007 @ 9:09 pm
I’ve used vudu for about 4 months. The UI is the best I’ve seen, both ergonomically, and from a menu navigation perspective. However, the selling point for me, instantaneous high-quality VOD with a large selection of content for either rent or purchase, is a paradigm shift one should experience to appreciate. In the world of VOD, the worm has turned. vudu will be successful and it will cause the competition to vastly improve their offerings.
10/01/2007 @ 10:07 pm
I’ve used a vudu for about 2 months.
In one word – unimpressive.
The box is WAY overpriced. The remote is RF (meaning people that can afford expensive universal remotes will still be stuck with a second remote in their theater).
You must watch a movie within 24 hours of starting it. Yeah, you can keep it around for 30 days before watching, but once you hit play, you’ve got 24 hours. Redbox charges $1 for 24 hours of play. Netflix, Blockbuster and Hollywood video all give you at LEAST 5 days for the same rental fee that vudu charges.
Vudu also is at the mercy of the studios. Some HD movies are only available in STEREO! Unacceptable.
I really don’t see a market for this device. For those folks that don’t live near blockbuster, they can rent over the internet.
Maybe if the vudu box cost less than $100 and maybe if the rentals were closer to $1 per 24 hour viewing period, I’d be more optimistic about vudu’s future.
10/02/2007 @ 1:57 am
Spoken like somebody who has more time than money – you’re not the only market segment out there. Vudu is targeted at the instant gratification crowd. I don’t want to even walk in a Blockbuster, much less deal with the limited number of copies. When I want a movie, I want it now, and no excuses. Small price to pay for a luxury in ones life. Vudu is not designed to be for everybody, but I sure like it.