According to Engadget, on Friday(one day only), Wal-mart will be offering the entry level Toshiba A2 HD DVD player for the astonishing $99.99 price point. The A2 model is a entry level machine that is only able to output a 1080i/60fps signal. The latest model the A3, will be capable of outputting a full 1080p Signal. The A3 is expected to be priced at or around 200 dollars this holiday season.
One thing to be wary of is that Wal-mart tends to cut prices drastically on products they have little intention of stocking. Meaning every store may only be getting a few of the A2’s and a few dozen of the A3’s.
CORRECTION: I had orginally reported that the prcie drop on the A2 was permanent. It is actully only for this friday(11/2/07). Sorry for the confusion.
11/01/2007 @ 5:43 pm
I don’t think the A3 can output 1080P. It’s nearly identical in spec to the A2, just slimmer and a little faster.
11/01/2007 @ 8:27 pm
The A30 does and I beileve that’s the latest interation of the A3.
11/02/2007 @ 2:37 pm
The A3 is the latest entry-level model. The A30 is a step up from that, and the A35 is yet another step up.
A3 (MSRP $299) is 1080i. A30 (MRSP $399) is 1080P. A35 (MSRP $499) is 1080P plus other features.