“31 Nights Of Terror” Contest: The Hills Run Red Giveaway
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Contests by Gino Sassani on October 9th, 2009
Warner Brothers has graciously given us a copy of The Hills Run Red on DVD to give away.
To enter to win a copy of this Fright fest, just follow these two steps…
- Fill out your name and email address in the comment form below – your email address will remain private and visible only to us.
- Do not post your address as an actual comment! Now to win you must tell us who your favorite movie monster actor/actress of all time is. Only those comments that include a movie monster actor/actress will be considered for this giveaway.
Contest is now closed. The Winner was Vikki Parman. An E-Mail notification was sent. If you do not get the e-mail, please check your spam filter and contact us ASAP. Any prize unclaimed within 2 weeks will be forfeit and added to our end of year Holiday giveaway.
Gino Sassani
Gino Sassani is a member of the Southeastern Film Critic's Association (SEFCA) and The Critics Association of Central Florida (CACF). He is a film and television critic based in Tampa, Florida. He's also the Senior Editor here at Upcomingdiscs. Gino started reviewing films in the early 1990's as a segment of his local television show Focus. He's an award-winning recording artist for Omega Records. Gino is currently working on his 8th album Merchants & Mercenaries. Gino took over Upcomingdiscs Dec 1, 2008. He works out of a home theater he calls The Reel World. Favorite films: The Godfather, The Godfather Part II, The Body Snatcher (Val Lewton film with Karloff and Lugosi, not the pod people film), Unforgiven, Gladiator, The Lion King, Jaws, Son Of Frankenstein, The Good, The Bad And The Ugly, and Monsters, Inc.
10/09/2009 @ 3:44 pm
Bela Lugosi as Dracula
10/09/2009 @ 5:14 pm
Lon Chaney Jr, as the werewolf.
10/09/2009 @ 5:42 pm
Havent heard of that DVD -The Hills Run Red. Would love to see it and win the contest.
Thanks for posting.
10/09/2009 @ 6:22 pm
My favourite movie monster actor of all time is Tony Todd who played the Candyman. I’m still creeped out to this day and my first Candyman experience was approximately 30 years ago.
10/09/2009 @ 7:45 pm
Answer David Bower as Qusimodo in the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Would love to win the dvd.
10/09/2009 @ 8:12 pm
Kane Hodder as Jason Voorhees, thanks.
10/09/2009 @ 8:37 pm
Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger
10/10/2009 @ 12:23 am
agree with the other poster robert englund/freddy krueger
10/10/2009 @ 4:38 pm
Tim Curry as Pennywise.
10/11/2009 @ 12:04 am
I donnot like
10/11/2009 @ 2:36 am
Christopher Lee as Dracula
*Thanks* for the contest!
10/11/2009 @ 11:47 pm
Lon Chaney Jr, as the werewolf
10/12/2009 @ 2:14 pm
10/12/2009 @ 8:15 pm
Doug Bradley as Pinhead
10/12/2009 @ 11:30 pm
Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger.
10/13/2009 @ 10:17 am
Freddy Krueger takes the cake! Yeah Robert Englund!
10/13/2009 @ 2:43 pm
Robert Englund
10/13/2009 @ 4:37 pm
Agree that Robert Englund as Freddy is really hard to top.
10/13/2009 @ 7:42 pm
Vincent Price from the House of Wax.
10/13/2009 @ 8:21 pm
Lon Chaney Jr. – he was such a tormented soul as the werewolf.
10/14/2009 @ 2:27 am
Bela Lugosi as Dracula
10/15/2009 @ 12:23 pm
Leslie Nielsen as Count Dracula
10/15/2009 @ 2:37 pm
bela lugosi is the best dracula
10/15/2009 @ 4:27 pm
Lon Chaney was great. he played lots of classic movie monsters.
10/15/2009 @ 10:01 pm
Courtney Gains as Malachi from Children of the Corn.
10/16/2009 @ 12:40 am
I enjoyed Tom Cruise as LeStat and I usually don’t enjoy him.
10/16/2009 @ 10:38 am
Sir Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lector. Surely he qualifies as a terrifying monster?
10/18/2009 @ 1:20 pm
My favorite movie monster is the blob, since there is not a actor/actress to play it. I am going to go with Freddy Krueger played by Robert England. I don’t think he really qualifies as a monster though.
10/18/2009 @ 3:58 pm
YVONNE DECARLO as Mrs. Munster
10/21/2009 @ 5:37 pm
Hard to choose only one but I guess it’s Boris Karloff
10/21/2009 @ 11:44 pm
Without a doubt Jack Nicholson in the Shining
10/26/2009 @ 11:37 am
My favorite definitely is Pinhead. Thanks for the chance.
10/29/2009 @ 1:11 am
Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger
10/29/2009 @ 1:12 am
Nick Castle (and others) as Michael Myers
10/30/2009 @ 8:05 pm
Probably Robert Englund, for the sheer amount of monster roles he’s played
11/01/2009 @ 1:38 am
i would say linda blair from the excorsist