The horror giveaways just keep on coming. Our very good friends over at 42 West are at it again. They have given us a gruesome, mind-bending thriller shot in a style reminiscent of The Blair Witch Project on DVD to giveaway as part of our 31 Nights Of Terror. The film is Atrocious and you can win a copy of the DVD just follow these instructions.
- Fill out your name and email address in the comment form below – your email address will remain private and visible only to us.
- Do not post your address as an actual comment! Instead – Tell us who is your favorite horror movie character is.
- Only those comments that answer our question will be considered.
Contest is now closed Winner was Douglas Houston
Winners are notified by E-mail. If you did not get a confirmation E-mail from us, check your Spam filter and contact us. Any prize not claimed in 2 weeks will be forfeit and be placed in the end of year contests next Holiday Season.
The DVD hits stores on October 25th, just in time for Halloween. Check out our review coming soon.
You can also visit their official web site. Bang it here to learn more about Atrocious: Official Site
10/21/2011 @ 7:12 pm
It’s really hard to pick just one horror character, because there are several favorites that I have. But I will choose “ASH” from the Evil Dead Franchise! He’s super cool! Groovy! Can you did it?
10/22/2011 @ 11:57 am
Jack Torrance
10/23/2011 @ 3:37 am
10/23/2011 @ 3:38 pm
For me it has to be Damien from the Omen Series. An innocemt child possessed just really creeps me out. My favourite in the series was the original Omen with Gregory Peck portraying the father.
10/23/2011 @ 8:27 pm
I like the Devil. He can come in so many different forms it never gets boring.
10/25/2011 @ 12:01 am
I am crazy about Michael Myers. I have all the Halloween films and make an effort to rewatch each movie during Halloween week. I think Michael is a twisted, sick psycho but he’s still #1.
10/26/2011 @ 1:21 pm
freddy krueger
10/27/2011 @ 8:04 pm
Chucky the killer doll
10/28/2011 @ 9:16 pm
freddy kreuger!
11/03/2011 @ 10:46 pm
My favorite would be Jason Vorhees
11/04/2011 @ 7:21 am
11/06/2011 @ 9:29 pm
Freddy Kreuger
11/08/2011 @ 8:50 pm
Freddy Krueger
11/09/2011 @ 4:22 pm
11/10/2011 @ 9:28 pm
11/12/2011 @ 9:02 pm
Our favorite is Freddy Kruger
11/14/2011 @ 4:28 pm
Krug (David Hess) from Last House on the Left
11/19/2011 @ 10:59 pm
fav is freddie from nightmare on elm street
11/23/2011 @ 9:30 pm
Dr Hannibal Lecter
11/24/2011 @ 7:57 pm
11/26/2011 @ 10:21 am
Leatherface baby, all the way!