On The Twelfth Day Of Christmas Cinema Libre Studios Gives To You:
Imprisoned on Blu-ray. Cinema Libre Studios has joined the list of contributors to our Christmas contests. We just made some new friends over there, and to celebrate they sent us over a copy of Imprisoned with Laurence Fishburne. Jeremy will be reviewing the disc soon, but now’s your chance to jump on the last of our holiday contests. We all look forward to a brand new year of bringing you the best home theater coverage and beyond.
To win a copy of this prize, follow these instructions.
- Fill out your name and email address in the comment form below – your email address will remain private and visible only to us.
- Do not post your address as an actual comment! Instead tell us: What are you looking forward to most in 2020? It does not have to be home entertainment-related. Anything at all.
- Only those comments that answer our question will be considered.
Contest is closed. Winner’s announced after Feb 3rd.
Upcomingdiscs NEVER sells or shares your information with anyone.
01/06/2020 @ 6:27 am
I can’t wait till Tom Hank’s new movie Greyhound is released. His movies are always a plus to watch, especially WW2 flicks
01/06/2020 @ 8:17 am
A new start
01/06/2020 @ 7:44 pm
New movies are always exciting to think about when a new year starts!
01/09/2020 @ 9:50 am
I am looking forward to having a graden.
01/09/2020 @ 10:21 am
01/09/2020 @ 8:09 pm
lots of movies
01/14/2020 @ 6:37 pm
I am looking forward to the end of winter and also my grandson graduates in May
01/16/2020 @ 1:37 pm
I’m looking forward to selling my home and buying a new place in the country. My neighborhood is not what it once was and is no longer a quiet place to live.