Listen to my tale, will you?
OK, so I’m in an interview last week for a job, really more to get involved in the interview process again, and giving the right answers to the questions, and I’m asked about my hobbies. So I politely tell the guy that I write online as a reviewer, and so the question is asked, “So, what about this Blu-Ray?” Too friggin’ funny, so I discuss the format war. So I guess I’ve got an offer coming to me, but I don’t know if I wanna drive that far.
Anyway, the big news seems …o be that the 2nd generation of Toshiba players are either about to come out, or have just come out if you’re near a Best Buy or other large brick and mortar store. Pricing is the same as the 1st generation, reports on AVS discuss faster load times, though the HDMI through component seems to be gone, and the build quality is a little more flimsy than the previous version. But you could virtually impale yourself on the A1/XA1, being flimsier may be a good thing at this point. For Blu-Ray/PS3 buyers, an update has taken care of upconversion issues for 1080 owners, but since I don’t have one, I can’t really speak to it that much.
In terms of announcements, they have been pretty quiet this week. Poseidon and Scooby Doo are set for 1/16 releases, while Goodfellas comes to Blu-Ray on the same date. Meanwhile for Blu-Ray exclusives, The Usual Suspects and The Princess Bride are slated for 2/13 releases.
This week sees another decent group of releases for both sides of the camp. Blu-Ray exclusive releases include Talladega Nights and The Devil Wears Prada, while HD-DVD exclusives include The Hulk and Field of Dreams. Paramount will include HD exclusive content on their HD and Blu Ray releases of World Trade Center.
So off I go for more job searching high definers, so until next time, keep the brightness to low and the resolution high!