A Complete Lego Star Wars Set, Master Chief Gone Wild, and time for one more Party – Welcome to the column that will soon have a patch available to remove all explicit content (but then only consist of 5 words) known as Dare to Play the Game.
Welcome to another edition of Dare to Play the Game. I spent Memorial Day on a pretty good note. I spent most of the time with a friend I hadn’t seen in roughly ten years. We went and saw a movie (Shrek 3…, played card games (Canasta), ate food, went to Borders and just in general had a good time. Reminded me heavily of my college days minus the boozing and people trying to jump out of 5th story windows cause they were tripped out on acid. Not me mind you, I was busy trying to figure out how to get their good looking girlfriends to notice me. Somehow it never quite worked. Instead I would spend many nights alone, weeping and wishing upon a star. *sweet, annoying hard rock tune playing in the background* Throw me a bone people; I have needs you know.
Ode To Morgan Webb
Morgan shows us the proper way to subdue a human in a neckbrace. Well apparently we need to find something creative to do with this section from week to week. In such, we also still have to pay homeage to one Morgan Webb. She’s so cute, so adorable. Red is really a good color on her. I know from week to week I come up with cute and clever comments to insert here. So darn cute; sorry I lost myself there. Maybe next week something important will be put here
News of All Types
LEGO Star Wars Builds a Complete Saga (from ign.com)
We knew it was coming, but today Traveller’s Tales officially announced that LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga would be making its way to “next-generation” game consoles this fall. Players will be able to experience all of the block-sized Star Wars action with an added bonus of new characters, levels, and features on the Wii, PS3, and Xbox 360. Additionally, Traveller’s Tales will be creating a completely new DS version of the game, redeveloped from the ground up.
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga encompasses events from the first two games, along with other major sequences from throughout the Star Wars storyline. In addition to all the content of the first two games, The Complete Saga includes Episode II’s high-speed pursuit of Zam Wessell, as well as new playable characters including Watto, Zam Wessell, and Boss Nass. This brings the total character count to over 160. On top of that, the game is said to offer new bonus levels and ten additional Bounty Hunter Missions.
In addition to all this, the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game will feature an online co-op mode for the first time in the series. These versions of the game will also showcase newly recreated high-res visuals. The Wii and DS versions will take advantage of those systems’ unique capabilities to offer motion sensitive or touch-screen controls.
Yeahie! It goes back to what I always say, procrastination is golden. I put off buying LSW 2 because LSW 1 I always thought should be bundled with 2 for a combo effect. Well *wave fingers* and it has happened. The Wii version will probably involve shaking the Mote like a light saber which will probably also result in several new and interesting Wii related injuries. I just wonder if Lando has an ability where he can drink a Schlitz and impress the ladies. That’s a true “force” power. Maybe with a little luck, the 360 version will be over 1000 achievement points, say 1000 for the original trilogy and 500 for the second trilogy. I think that would be fair to those who bought LSW2 on 360 the first time around. Also an option to completely obliterate Jar Jar from the game entirely would be appreciated.
Madden 08 On Wii: Surprisingly Generous(from kotaku.com)
I didn’t mind Madden on the Wii. While it’s as lazy and uninspired in the progress department as its next-gen bretheren, it’s still got one of the best uses of waggle we’ve seen on the Wii. So I was probably going to give Madden 08 a look anyways. Seeing this new batch of details from the latest Nintendo Power, I’ll still look. Just a little harder.
# Real-time ESPN ticker updates
# Online tournaments
# Worldwide quickplay multiplayer matches
# Promised roster updates not just for the 2008 season, but 2009 as well
# Mini-game party mode, with 22 mini-games
# Miis are used in min-games
There is a joke to be made here the next time a Wii Mote flies from your hands and into your HD television when you think you’re the next Peyton Manning but I already made my Wii joke quota. Just don’t be the next Michael Vick or else the cops might be charging you for possession. *rim shot*. This is kinda intriguing but for one reason only. Roster updates! How many sports games have we begged for this? Heck last year, it took me forever to find a roster update for NFL 2k5 for 2007 and that was by a third party so naturally it had more cracks and crevasse than Rosie O’ Donnell. But when most sports games have no noticeable improvements, this is such a slam dunk I don’t know why it hasn’t been done more. Heck, most people would pay $10-$15 for an official roster update every year. And then just update the game every 3 years with noticeable enhancements and still making everybody a good deal of money. Think about the idea, you’ll like it; just give it time.
Master Chief’s Wardrobe Malfunction(from ign.com)
Microsoft has delayed the release of Halo 2 on Vista again due to the last minute discovery of some partial nudity in the game. According to GameDaily.biz, the delay won’t be used to remove the potentially offensive content but rather to apply a sticker to the game’s packaging warning consumers about its presence. A patch will be available from the game’s official site that will cover up those naughty bits.
“It has come to our attention that an unfortunate, obscure content error which includes partial nudity was included in our initial production of Halo 2 for Windows Vista,” said a Microsoft spokesperson. “As such, we have updated the initial game packaging at retailers with a label, so customers are aware before purchasing the game. Additionally, we’ve developed an online update which can be downloaded from www.halo2.com to remove the content.”
Apparently found in the game’s map editor tool, the nudity in question is a bare buttock. After what happened with Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, neither Microsoft nor the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) can afford to let this content show up in the final product without a “partial nudity” descriptor on the box.
“After the M (Mature 17+) rating assignment was issued for Halo 2 for Vista and just prior to the shipment of the game to retail, Microsoft notified ESRB about pertinent content found in a map editor tool that is being bundled with the game,” an ESRB representative told GameDaily. “The content in question, although likely to be inaccessible to the vast majority of users, displays a photograph of an individual showing his bare backside to the user when a particular error occurs, and thus warrants a ‘Partial Nudity’ content descriptor in order to alert consumers to its presence in the product. Microsoft has therefore applied stickers with correct ESRB rating information to the packaging of virtually all copies that will ship to retail in the U.S. and Canada. We have been advised by Microsoft that future runs of the game will be produced without the content in question, thus negating the need for the descriptor to be displayed on those versions.
“ESRB’s job is to ensure that games are appropriately labeled, and that is precisely what we did in this case. We greatly appreciate Microsoft’s cooperation in this matter.”
BWAHAHAHAHAHA, excuse me for a moment. Please if anybody is offended, go and download the patch. *waits and continues* Yeah okay, so I’m sure somebody’s grandmother will buy it for their 12 year old son and then be horrified when they see a bare butt. (because granny didn’t see grandpas butt mainly due to the fact that grandpa was off with paul his gay lover…who by the way saw grandpas unmentionables a whole lot more than he cared too). Anyway, if this doesn’t prompt a couple of Red vs Blue cartoons, then they just aren’t even trying. I do know that if you were able to create a Halo character with a bare anything; that might just scare your opponents into submission. Think about it, you are barreling down the hallway and run into another Halo player doing his Mr. Peepers impression. By the time you stop laughing; half of your body is probably down the corridor and to the right from a pulse shot.
Releases for the week of May 29th, 2007
XBOX Live Arcade
Mad Tracks
This Wednesday comes a toy-car racing game from the minds of D3P and Load Inc. From the pictures it looks like Micro Machines with a graphical facelift. Hopefully this isn’t a bad thing. I know I wasted about half a dozen hours on the original Micro Machines way back in the NES days (Codemasters anybody?). There are 6 tracks, 12 cars and 12 different power ups to keep you busy. Naturally you have achievements and up to 4 player multiplayer mode. Also of consideration is that they plan to rollout some DLC for additional challenges. At the price of 800 points, I would suggest to download the demo and try that out before you get the full blown game.
Wii Virtual Console
ActRaiser(SNES), Kid Chameleon(Genesis) & J.J. & Jeff(TG-16)
An interesting trio of perhaps forgotten titles from yester-year. ActRaiser was a great combination of Action and Simulation and one of those titles that you always hear praised in geek conversations but go wait…I never played that game. Well here is your chance. Kid Chameleon was another cookie cutter platform title that gave you the ability to morph into several different forms including Bezerker, Skycutter & Maniaxe. 100 levels will keep you interested (or bored) for a while. J.J. & Jeff was one of the first titles on the Turbo Graphix system. It was a cute platformer as well which the two characters resembled bumbling detectives who running, kicking and spraying their way through 8 levels. The Japanese version was called Kato and Ken and interesting enough the U.S. version was heavily censored since the Japanese version contained flatulence among other questionable activities. (in other words it used to be a good game before the U.S. ripped it apart…get it…ripped it apart; I kill me!) ActRaiser, Kid Chameleon, and J.J. & Jeff will set you back 800,800, and 600 points respectively.
Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm
Surf’s Up
Legend of the Dragon
Surf’s Up
Surf’s Up
Xbox 360
Forza Motorsport 2
Monster Madness: Battle for Suburbia
Surf’s Up
Mario Party 8
Mortal Kombat Armageddon
Surf’s Up
Tamagotchi: Party On!
Surf’s Up
Pony Friends
Surf’s Up
Tank Beat
Surf’s Up
Outside of the gluttony of Surf’s Up this week, we get a few titles for the 360 and the Wii. 360 gets Shadowrun which is a landmark title due to the fact it is online only and will be the first title to have both 360 and Vista users playing at the same time. So the debate of keyboard/mouse versus 360 controller can just maybe be solved. Forza 2 will attempt to convince us that there is another racing game on the block besides PGR, Burnout or Gran Turismo. It will also give us another geeky excuse to own one of those steering wheels we always see for 100 bucks. The Wii makes us party with the 8th incantation of Mario Party. This will probably be a very fun title with the Mote and will probably sell a ton of copies. MKA is also out for Wii, if you need a fairly comparative review (XBOX version), feel free to go here.
Some Final Thoughts and Mutterings
Well, I thought I was going to go buy Marvel Ultimate Alliance Gold this Memorial Day weekend. I got up to Best Buy and was going to do it until I told due to a shipping error I would have to wait a day and then I decided fate just wasn’t on my side and put it off. To be honest, I spent the weekend gaming wise playing Catan on XBOX Live Arcade. Based off the board game; Settlers of Catan this is a fun but very addictive adaptation. Anybody who wants to play me and is willing to be a bit patient; I’m more than willing. My friend taught me a lot about it and I can play on my own but I’m sure I’m far from anything decent for right now. I’m going to try and secure a copy of RPG Maker 3 for PS2 as well; it’s currently $14.99 new at your local EB Games/Gamestop. I’m not sure if I’ll ever have time to devote to it but it’s one of those games you just have in your collection because it is a good conversation piece. Also, I think there are a few places online where people have spent the time to create decent RPG’s with the sucker. Have fun kiddoes, hope you have enjoyed the semi new format.
As Always,
Kedrix of Aldrianian
(*The Forgotten One*)
05/30/2007 @ 8:08 am
Good article this week Durr!!