12 Days Of Christmas Giveaways: Paranormal Activity Scare Kit

Posted in: Contests by Gino Sassani on January 1st, 2010

Gino Sassani

Gino Sassani is a member of the Southeastern Film Critic's Association (SEFCA) and The Critics Association of Central Florida (CACF). He is a film and television critic based in Tampa, Florida. He's also the Senior Editor here at Upcomingdiscs. Gino started reviewing films in the early 1990's as a segment of his local television show Focus. He's an award-winning recording artist for Omega Records. Gino is currently working on his 8th album Merchants & Mercenaries. Gino took over Upcomingdiscs Dec 1, 2008. He works out of a home theater he calls The Reel World. Favorite films: The Godfather, The Godfather Part II, The Body Snatcher (Val Lewton film with Karloff and Lugosi, not the pod people film), Unforgiven, Gladiator, The Lion King, Jaws, Son Of Frankenstein, The Good, The Bad And The Ugly, and Monsters, Inc.


  1. Peter
    01/01/2010 @ 1:41 pm

    I would like the kit, because it includes a ouija board that should be able to tell me if I should even bother making New Years resolutions.

  2. Heather Ritz
    01/01/2010 @ 1:59 pm

    I have a young teen age friend who would die for this. Me not.

  3. Garnet L
    01/01/2010 @ 3:57 pm

    Iwant to scre someone who really needs scaring!

  4. Nina bergeron
    01/01/2010 @ 7:47 pm

    it would be fun to scare my friends!

  5. Tonya
    01/01/2010 @ 8:04 pm

    This would be fun to see if there is any paranormal activity in my mom’s house!!

  6. Deborah Derrick
    01/01/2010 @ 8:57 pm

    I would like the Scare Kit because it would be neat to try out!

  7. Joseph
    01/01/2010 @ 8:57 pm

    I would like the scare kit because it would be a blast to scare my friends with

  8. Alison Braidwood
    01/01/2010 @ 10:49 pm

    After scaring the bejeebies out of myself with the ouija board, I’ll need the sleep mask to avoid seeing the scary monsters under my bed.

  9. Maria Leach
    01/01/2010 @ 11:36 pm

    I dig the supernatural, and this movie looks cool!

  10. Katherine Williams
    01/02/2010 @ 9:04 am

    I would like the kit because it includes a ouija board and I’ve always wanted one!

  11. Deborah h
    01/02/2010 @ 1:49 pm

    I have a co worker thats always talking about ghosts

  12. Denise Glazier
    01/02/2010 @ 9:58 pm

    The unknown is always alluring.

  13. Jeanette Jackson
    01/03/2010 @ 10:12 pm

    My favorite time of the year is around Halloween and my movie collestion consists of mostly Horror so I would really like the scare kit

  14. Patty B
    01/04/2010 @ 6:07 am

    The kit is interesting.

  15. A Hunter
    01/04/2010 @ 3:47 pm

    My cousin talks about how they used to use the Ouija Board when she was a kid, and how it totally creeped her out. Sounds like fun!! I can’t wait…

  16. Anne Taylor
    01/05/2010 @ 12:19 am

    I would love this for my 18yr old daughter! She has a “thing” for the paranormal and would be thrilled to receive this! (I am freaked out by Ouija Boards; so she’d have to keep it away from me!


    01/05/2010 @ 10:23 am

    I love watching Paranormal Activity and I need a new Ouija Board…..I believe in ghosts and spirits.

  18. Jason
    01/05/2010 @ 12:07 pm

    Years ago, I accidently scared my son. We still talk about it to this day and now get a chuckle out of it. Like to have this scare kit to scare him on purpose.

  19. Gary
    01/05/2010 @ 3:35 pm

    I would like to use this kit at the next family gathering … should be lots of fun and generate lots of discussion.

  20. Cherie Michalec
    01/05/2010 @ 9:38 pm

    I would love to win the paranormal activity scare kit and use it with my grandson to freak him out!

  21. Kelly
    01/05/2010 @ 9:50 pm

    my kids and I would have great fun with this

  22. Barry
    01/05/2010 @ 9:51 pm

    I would love to give this to my friend who says their house is haunted

  23. Laura DeLuca
    01/07/2010 @ 3:12 pm

    I collect TV and movie memorabilia

  24. Joanne Stilwell
    01/10/2010 @ 8:30 pm

    my good friend from work, would love this kit soooo much..she believes in the paranormal

  25. Teresa Balderas
    01/12/2010 @ 11:41 pm

    I’m a big fan of the show and I think the Ouija board would be a hoot. 🙂

  26. Sonia Desormeaux
    01/15/2010 @ 9:24 pm

    The scary kit should be the perfect freaky stuff for my son, he alway’s tell me that our house is haunted 😉

  27. Tracy
    01/16/2010 @ 7:50 am

    To look for ghosts.

  28. Jacqui
    01/16/2010 @ 10:00 am

    It wold be fun to scare my friends

  29. Bob Shafter
    01/17/2010 @ 8:59 pm

    Who knows maybe I can film the next small film to make buckets of money. Then I can say I got my start at Upcomingdiscs. Ha!