Our friends over at Marvel/Walt Disney want you to be a part of something big. How big? How about the biggest there ever was? Avengers: Endgame kicked James Cameron’s butt and became the highest grossing movie of all time. Marvel invites you to own it on Blu-ray for free. That’s right. We’re giving away a High Definition copy of The Avengers: Endgame for one lucky Upcomingdiscs fan.
To win a copy of this prize, follow these instructions.
- Fill out your name and email address in the comment form below – your email address will remain private and visible only to us.
- Do not post your address as an actual comment! What is your favorite Marvel Superhero?
- Only those comments that answer our question will be considered.
Contest is now closed Winner is Christopher Sidor
Winners are notified by E-mail. If you did not get a confirmation E-mail from us, check your Spam filter and contact us. Any prize not claimed in 2 weeks will be forfeit and be placed in the end of year contests next Holiday Season.
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08/19/2019 @ 4:26 pm
fave comics character…. Spider Woman fave movie character ….. Black Widow
08/21/2019 @ 8:42 am
my favorite is the Hulk
08/27/2019 @ 8:02 am
Hawkeye is my favorite character in the comic books and in the movie. Can’t wait till the movie comes out.
08/27/2019 @ 7:25 pm
I’d have to go with Captain America
08/28/2019 @ 8:25 am
My favourite is Storm
08/29/2019 @ 11:23 am
My favourite is Spider Man.
08/29/2019 @ 5:52 pm
My favorite Marvel superhero has always been The Hulk. It started with the cartoons and lead up to these epic movies today.
08/30/2019 @ 8:35 pm
captain america
09/25/2019 @ 11:46 am
My fav Marvel superhero has always been your friendly neighborhood Spiderman!