Barbra Streisand is a perfume tycoon who, due to the dishonesty of an employee, suddenlyfinds herself broke. Her only remaining asset is a contract with a washed-up boxer (RyanO’Neal). Streisand decides to turn her fortunes around by managing O’Neal. The pair take aninstant dislike to each other, and squabble all their way into romance. The Main Eventmimics the rapid-fire delivery of the classic screwball comedies, but the effect is not so muchfunny as shrill and tir…some.
The soundtrack is the original mono. While fans of Streisand will no doubt be disappointednot to have her rendition of the title song in stereo, the mono is serviceable, and clean. There isno distortion on the voices, and given how piercing the tones generally are already, this is a realblessing.
The format is 1.78:1 anamorphic, which the case claims is the original theatrical ratio. Thecolours aren’t bad, though the yellows seem to be a bit too strong. The print is in very goodshape, the blacks are solid, and I caught no pixellation or other transfer difficulties. The picture issharp, though clearly from 1979 and not last week.
Special Features
Not too many extras. The “scene specific” commentary by Streisand amounts to her doing avoice over on about ten minutes of scenes from the film. She goes on and on about how shethought the film was funny, and is generally a distinctly odd commentator. The other features area promo featurette from 1979, the theatrical trailer, and a photo gallery. The menu’s main page isscored.
Closing Thoughts
Strictly for the hardcore Streisand fans, and even they may have some difficulty dealing withthe distinctly unflattering look she had at the time.
Special Features List
- Selected Scene Commentary by Barbra Streisand
- Making-of Featurette
- Still Gallery
- Theatrical Trailer