Following the death of a legendary folk music impresario, his son organizes a tribute concertwith the acts the father made famous. Through interviews and rehearsals, we see the groups (TheFolksmen, Mitch and Mickey, and The New Main Street Singers) prepare for the big show. Thecast is talented and funny, and the music is a well-nigh perfect pastiche. The creative team seemsa bit too close to the music, however, and so the comedy lacks the bite it could have. The wholeprotes… side of folk music, for instance, which should yield comedic gold, is passed overcompletely.
A 5.1 soundtrack, but this is not a film that either exploits that form, or even renders itnecessary. The movie is, of course, dialogue driven, and said dialogue is perfectly clear. Thesongs are given a nice mix, though it is certainly not overwhelming. There are a few minorsurround sound effects, and some very striking left-right moments.
The format is widescreen, and the picture quality depends partly on the form being imitated.Thus, home movies are TV footage are appropriately fuzzy or grainy. In the rest of the film, thereare some inappropriate instances of dirt on the print. On the whole, however, the picture is sharp,with excellent colours, contrasts, and flesh tones.
Special Features
There’s something of a commentary bonanza here, with Christopher Guest and Eugene Levycommenting not only on the film but on the 15 deleted scenes and the four mock TVappearances. Not only the commentary is enlightening: it is sometimes very sparse, and at othertimes is just goofing around. Another extras include the full footage of the big concert, band bios,the cast and crew list, the theatrical trailer, and an ad for the soundtrack. An Easter Egg (moveright onto the harp on the features menu) is more elaborate than most: some behind the scenesfootage (with commentary) and the movie’s newspaper articles. The menu’s main page isscored.
Closing Thoughts
A gentle, kind-hearted comedy (perhaps more than it should be), but fun all the same, andthe extras are very much in the same vein.
Special Features List
- Audio Commentary
- Deleted Scenes with Commentary
- TV Appearances with Commentary
- The Concert in its entirety
- Band Bios
- Easter Egg: Behind the Scenes (with Commentary) and Articles
- Theatrical Trailer
- Cast and Crew List
- Soundtrack Spot