A championship wrestling match is disrupted when the winner is challenged by a giant squid. The squid wins by using a move that was the distinctive trademark of a vanished former champion. Could there be a connection? The girlfriend of the current champ, old flame of the former, certainly wonders. There is something about the squid that draws her… Meanwhile, the wrestling bosses want a rematch, but also want the squid to throw the match. He refuses. Can he beat the corruption in the sport …nd win the girl?
Yes, our hero really is a giant squid, and the costume is exactly as cheesy as you might expect. It all works, somehow. The film is both touching and hilarious, and you won’t realize that you have waited a long time to see a giant squid toss people around a wrestling ring until you actually witness the sight.
The 2.0 Japanese soundtrack is certainly adequate to its task, especially taking into consideration the film’s obvious low budget. There are plenty of satisfying crowd roars coming from the rear speakers, for instance. The dialogue has a slight tendency to sibilance, but doesn’t offend the ear.
The image is sharp and free of grain and edge enhancement. Where the low budget does show through is in the colours, which often have a slightly exaggerated pink tinge. That said, some shots look terrific, such as a hilariously melancholy image of the squid silhouetted by the setting sun.
Special Features
The making-of featurette is largely unsubtitled, but is fairly easy to follow as we see the costume being worked on, and the cast and crew breaking up with laughter at the sight of the finished product. There is a still gallery, two theatrical trailers and two TV spots, and a pop metal video that is pretty funny in and of itself. The menu’s main screen is scored.
Closing Thoughts
Oddities like this make reviewing a pleasure. About time somebody made a movie about a giant wrestling squid!
Special Features List
- Making-of Featurette
- Theatrical Trailers and TV Spots
- Still Gallery
- Music Video
06/18/2007 @ 12:57 pm
I saw this movie about two months ago, which was picked up in a bargain bin for less than $2. For something that looked so ridiculous, I was pleasantly surprised at how coherent and funny it was. Mind you, it is a man in a giant rubber squid suit, but if you can get past that (giggling the whole time), you’ll have a blast watching this, especially with all the twists!