Based on the life of Jim Morris, The Rookie stars Dennis Quaid as a high school coach inrural Texas who has had to give up his dream to play in the major leagues. When he sees his highschool team giving up on themselves, he challenges them with a deal. If they turn themselvesaround, he’ll try out for the Major Leagues. Guess what happens. That’s right, once againbaseball is a metaphor for the American Dream. (Deep sigh from cynical reviewer.) It’s all puttogether very nicel…, however, and carefully wrought family fare. Though I do wonder why it wasnecessary to try to make 1999 look like 1939.
Very nice sound. No complaints about clarity at all. As well, I’m very impressed with thesurround effects. Even the most subtle sounds (lawn sprinklers in the background, the whitenoise of traffic) are allowed a presence, creating a very convincing environment.
We’ve got a top-notch video transfer here too, starting with a 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreenpresentation. The colours are very nice, the flesh tones accurate, and the image is superbly sharp.Great stuff.
Special Features
The menu is quite elaborate in its motion and sound. It fits into the low-key tone of the filmvery well, but because of this, is also a bit slow in some of the transitions. Dennis Quaid anddirector John Lee Hancock provide the commentary, and they are as soft-spoken and articulate.Hancock has the most to say about the making of the film. The other features clearly haveyounger viewers in mind. Hancock introduces seven deleted scenes, explaining why they wereremoved. “Spring Training” is a series of baseball tips with a bunch of flashy graphics. “TheInspiration Story” is your typical featurette, and focuses on the true story behind the film. Finally,there’s a clutch of trailers for other Disney features.
Closing Thoughts
This will work best for those who look back on baseball events as recent as last week withthe warm sepia glow of nostalgia. For that audience, this will be a real treat.
Special Features List
- Commentary
- Trailers
- “The Inspirational Story of Jim Morris”
- “Spring Training”: Baseball Tips
- Deleted Scenes