If you’ve ever seen a Big Bug film, you already know the plot: chemical spill leads to giantspiders attacking small desert town. Everything from monsters to broadly drawn characters tosetting is present and correct. Eight Legged Freaks doesn’t take itself seriously for a second,which is a bit of a shame. Clearly it would like to be Tremors, but doesn’t quite achieve themagical chemistry of humour and terror that film achieved. Still, this is a movie the deliversprecisely wh…t it promises, and how many do that?
Very nice audio, with those silly spider voices given good surround presence. Music (whichfeatures some hilarious variations on “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”), FX and clarity are all beyondreproach.
The colours, blacks and clarity are great. There is a bit of ghosting around the edges, but itis very slight. The format under review is the widescreen version (2.35:1 anamorphic). Thefullscreen version is also available in a separate edition, but is, of course, to be avoided at allcosts. That format should not be encouraged in any way, people.
Special Features
The commentary is a bit top-heavy in participants, what with director/co-writer ElloryElkayem, actors Dvid Arquette and Rick Overton, and producer Dean Devlin. The attendantsilliness that is present all-too-often with commentary round tables is here as well. There are 8deleted scenes, but presented in a montage, so you can’t select individual ones. The minor extrasare rounded out by the trailer, cast and crew filmographies, and a stupidly brief essay on the BigBug films (as seen on the Them! DVD). The highlight of the extras is “Larger than Life,” theamusing giant spider short that landed Elkayem the assignment of directing Eight Legged Freaks.The menu is animated and scored, and has an appropriate 50s look to it.
Closing Thoughts
There is no way I could dislike a film about giant spiders. If you don’t share my tastes thisway, you might not be quite as amused, but this is a good-natured hoot.
Special Features List
- Commentary
- Deleted Scenes
- “Larger than Life” Short Feature
- Theatrical Trailer
- “Creepy Crawling Giants” Essay
- Cast and Crew Filmographies