Psychologist Mia is caught up in a web of erotic danger thanks to Tammy, whose husbandgets killed in the opening scene, and who is no doubt not as innocent as she appears to be. Bigyawn. And hasn’t anyone noticed that “Trois 2” is a singularly stupid sounding title? Why not“Trois 2: Uno”?
Film aside, the sound quality is pretty damn good, with an excellent music mix, and a prettysolid environment creation, with sound effects noticeably present…on all sides. Very clear, cleanand crisp.
You have your choice of both 1.85:1 and fullscreen presentations. The picture quality itself,however, isn’t terrific. The contrasts need to be stronger, and there is a fair bit of grain,sometimes popping in at the strangest times. Do bear in mind the low budget of the film,however.
Special Features
The menu is basic, but the features themselves are more than I expected. The featurette –“Sexual Obsession” — is better than a lot of making-of pieces, providing a good deal of historyon the Rob Hardy/William Packer filmmaking partnership. These two (respectively director andproducer) do a commentary as well, which is largely nuts & bolts, but does cover what their goalswere as well, even though there’s also a fair bit of pointing out the very obvious. Finally, thereare trailers for Trois, Trois 2, Baby Boy and XXX.
Closing Thoughts
Some interesting background material in the extras, but the film itself isn’t much.
Special Features List
- Making-of Featurette
- Commentary
- Trailers