A cautionary tale about gangs and racism we have the story of Rick Brown convicted of drug offenses and now out on probation trying to get his life back together. With no where to go he gets sucked back into his own life. Lieutenant Redding (Morgan Freedman) is on the hunt for a ruthless gang killer. Things soon go bad for Rick and he finds himself in the middle as the violence erupts. Unfortunately the acting, directing and storyline is so weak that you are not really interested if the two s…orylines are ever going to come together.
Presented in the 1.33:1 format the image is a s questionable as the acting. Fairly grainy with a significant amount of edge enhancement the image is a disappointment. Black levels are nice and dark but they also lack detail. Overall I understand this is a low budget film but I have seen much better quality before. Menus are stills with music.
Containing both a Dolby Digital 5.1 and 2.0 stereo track the audio for the film is in the same league as the video. The dialogue distorts a fair amount and is at times difficult to understand. The only time that anything other then center channel is used is when the rap music kicks in and don’t get me started on how bad that sounds. Bass when present is bloated. The disc also contains English and Spanish subtitles.
Special Features
The special features are simply a trailer for the film and some sneak peaks for more similar films from Artisan.
Final Thoughts
Trying to sell a bad film by attaching big names to it is fairly common place but, Morgan Freeman’s agent should have advised him to steer clear of this film. The acting is bad and the film never really makes its point so unless you are really into gangster movies, well you get the point.
12/02/2006 @ 7:54 pm
Morgan Freeman let me down. I rented it because if Morgan Freeman was in it, I knew it had to be good. Wrong, wrong, wrong. There is not one good scene in the whole movie, acting sucks, music sucks. I wish I could get a refund from the video store.
03/19/2007 @ 9:45 am
It’s really difficult to describe just how bad this movie was. I felt completely ripped off by Blockbuster. Morgan Freeman must have owed someone bigtime to have his name attached to this. I’d prefer to have my toenails pulled out than watch this movie.