This is a four-part series that aired on PBS’s Frontline. Four hours long, it is ahistorical/archaeological look at Jesus’ life and that of his early followers. The series has time todelve into detail, and so the whole context of the era, political and otherwise, is presented. Ratherthan use cheesy recreations, the documentary shows us actual settings and interweaves these withinterviews with experts in the field.
Obviously, this isn’t a relea…e that seeks to create a mind-blowing sound experience.Nonetheless, there is atmospheric music in 2.0. The narration is very strong and clear (almost,but not quite, too much so).
The case states that the format is fullscreen, but it is in fact 1.78:1 widescreen (non-anamorphic). There is some grain and pixelation in darker shots, and the edges are sometimes abit rough. Generally speaking, the level of grain depends on the footage being used.
Special Features
None, but there are some features on the show’s website.
Closing Thoughts
A serious documentary, free of sensationalism, which, given the subject and the times, is arelief.