Here we go: it’s the senior year for Dawson, Joen, Pacey, Jen and Jack. Joey and Pacey haveto deal with how their new romance (which concluded the last season) is going to affect theirrelationship with Dawson. As before, we follow dreams crash or flower, and the same withrelationships. The writing is stronger than on many dramas, but sometimes is a little too pleasedwith itself — Pacey’s crack in the opening episode about “the land of poorly written melodrama”which also fo…eshadows the entire season may be clever, but it also shatters the illusion ofreality.
The sound, though 2.0, is, if anything, an improvement over previous releases in this series.The music certainly still sounds good, but there is more surround than I was aware of before.There is some actual environment creation going on this time. As for the boast that the DVD“includes new music exclusively provided for this release including the international openingtheme song,” what this means (as becomes clear on the commentary), is that they couldn’t affordthe rights to the original music for the DVD release, and had to replace it with these options.
The picture too is better, I think, that the 3rd season package. The image is very sharp, thecolours and contrasts are very strong, and the grain is only very minor. Overall, this is a strongTV transfer, and definitely a cut above the average.
Special Features
Perennial guide Paul Stupin (the show’s exec-producer) does the commentary on episodes1 and 22. The man must be exhausted by now. An any rate, his commentaries aren’t verydifferent from his previous efforts. The only other extra (on Disc 4) is an interactive trivia game.For those who care, there are trailers for other TV products along with 13 Going on 30and 50 First Dates. The menu’s main screen is scored, and the intro is animated andscored.
Closing Thoughts
Still thin on extras, but picture and sound seem to be improving.
Special Features List
- Audio Commentary on 2 Episodes
- Trivia Game
- Trailers