Following the success of The Cartoon Network’s entertaining Space Ghost: Coast to Coast, someone decided to include one of the characters from the show as part of a spinoff series. The Brak Show recalls the encounters of the space cat of sorts, as he’s placed in a home with a loving mother and father, sort of in the vein of a Leave it to Beaver scenario.
The show, which ran from 2000-2003 had been previously released in one Volume, and this second version covers the …pisodes from November 2002 to the end of the series. Notable for the change in Brak’s mom in the second season, the 11 minute episodes recount the adventures of Brak. His mom is a rather normal character who just happens to freakishly look like Brak, and the father on the show occasionally has moments of craziness, set against a normal visage.
While the intent of the show is actually not too bad and kind of interesting, there’s not enough humor to carry it over the two discs that are included in the set. Some more discerning fans of the show remember and enjoy it a lot more when Marsha Crenshaw voiced the Mom character on Volume 1 as opposed to Joanna Daniel’s Volume 2 run, and perhaps some of the humor from Volume 1 disappeared as well, as the jokes were flat in Volume 2. Despite the introduction of some unique supporting characters that are Brak’s friends, it’s more goofy eccentric stuff than anything else.
Full frame viewing for the full frame person in your household. The episodes look as bright and vibrant as they did long ago. Next question.
The Simpsons is the only animated show I can think of that gets a six channel Dolby Surround soundtrack, so the 2 channel Dolby track isn’t bad, as everything is in front of you, so there’s no need for surround speakers here.
Special Features
Nuthin’ from nuthin’ leaves nuthin’. Volume 1 at least included some extras, so this is a mild bummer.
Closing Thoughts
Die-hard completists will probably pick this up for the sake of getting all of it, however some of the more casual fans should just stick to Volume 1 and leave it at that. The fact that they pushed this release out and not do anything with it extras-wise makes me think that they’re doing this one just for the cash more than anything else.