This is a collection of eight SpongeBob cartoons, generally (but not exclusively) focussed in and around the Krabby Patty. The title story, which is a two-parter, explores the Krabs and Plankton’s shared tragic history, and what led to their endless rivalry. The level of hilarity remains as high as ever (including some extremely squirm-inducing moments in “Fungus Among Us”), but I can’t help but feel that this is a bit too naked a money grab, given that everything here will wind up in one se…son box set or another.
The 2.0 does a very effective job of immersing us in the world of Bikini Bottom. The volume is extremely high, and if there aren’t many sound effects to speak of making their way to the rear speakers, the liveliness and bubbliness of the score more than makes up for this. The dialogue is crystal clear, down to the last psychotic giggle.
The colours are eye-poppingly bright, which is as it should be, and they are all the more effective given the total lack of grain or other flaws. The image is sharp enough to draw blood. All in all, I’d be hard pressed to imagine a better looking transfer.
Special Features
The Plank and Krabs photo gallery is a cute touch, and there’s the inevitable animatic here (for the title story). Be prepared also for an onslaught of Nickelodeon ads.
Closing Thoughts
Lunatic fun, as always, but a bit shameless as well.
Special Features List
- Animatic
- Photo Gallery
- Previews