Craig Sheffer and Sheryl Lee are less than a year into their marriage, and already they’re intherapy. It transpires that Lee has never had an orgasm. Sheffer finds out that she is visitingextremely unconventional sex therapist Terence Stamp. Outraged, he confronts Stamp, but windsup listening to him, and then becomes his pupil, hoping that what he learns will lead to sexualhealing for Lee. If this sounds like things are about to get very flaky, well, that depends on yourtak… on energy fields and Tantric whatevers. Biases up front, I do not buy this for a second. Andthe plot ultimately goes down a fairly predictable path. However, the performances are brave,the script is witty when it isn’t being overly earnest, and the film never failed to keep theattention of even this confirmed skeptic. Even though issues of abuse and incest are brought up,and the film is sympathetic to Lee, this nevertheless remains a movie very much about and fromthe male perspective.
The mix is 2.0, but the music and effects are very good, with some nice left-right separationhappening, and a nice sense of environment. The dialogue isn’t bad, but does tend to sound a bittoo loud and harsh, and there is some distortion.
The picture comes in both fullscreen and 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen versions. The fleshtones are good, but the film looks a bit drab. The blacks could be deeper, the contrasts stronger,and the picture is a bit on the soft side.
Special Features
Nothing here except trailers for The Mirror Has Two Faces, Spider’s Web and Trois 2 — allfilms quite inferior to Bliss, which has no trailer. The menu is basic.
Closing Thoughts
An interesting film, and I mean that in a good way, even if I didn’t really buy what it wasselling. Certainly worth seeing.
Special Features List
- Trailers