JoBeth Williams plays radio host Dr. Rose. Turfed from her radio show, she moves fromsmall-town Eureka to LA (taking with her a mannequin with whom she has involvedconversations). She lands a new job at a small college, and starts making a name for herself.Unfortunately, she has no real qualifications, and is (as Williams twitchy performance makesclear from the opening seconds on) completely off her nut. When a skeptical student starts raisingquestions about her, Dr. Rose w…ll stop at nothing to preserve her reputation.
The audio is 2.0, but does a pretty solid job within that limitation. The music (which is closeto omnipresent) has a nice, full surround feel to it. The sound effects, when they canpenetrate through the music, aren’t bad at all, and there are some nicely environmental passages.There is a bit of rear speaker reverb around the dialogue, however, and the voices have somebuzz to them as well.
The case says the aspect is “4×3 letterbox.” What does that mean? It means fullscreen. Thepicture itself is nice and sharp, with strong colours (very vibrant greens in particular), and goodblacks, contrasts and flesh tones. The print is in fine shape. The trailer looks dreadful, buttransfer of the feature itself is good.
Special Features
There’s a trailer, and that’s it. The menu is basic.
Closing Thoughts
Nothing too earth-shaking here, and Williams’ performance makes you wonder how anyonecould not know this woman is insane. The DVD is pretty bare-bones too.
Special Features List
- Trailer