After the multi-story Prime Suspect 4, the series returns to the single case format.“Errors of Judgement” sees Jane Tennison (Helen Mirren) finds herself banished from Londonand shipped off to Manchester. This series was clearly not authorized by the Manchester TouristBoard, as the city comes across a bit like a crime-ridden Soviet Gulag, only more depressing.Tennison is up against a whole new hostile crowd on the force here, and her career is goingnowhere fast until…she decides to talk on “The Street” — a big-time gangster. The Street fightsback hard, and Tennison will have trouble deciding whom to trust, and that includes fellowpolice officers.
More relentless grimness, though relieved a little here and there by some sardonic humour.Poor Tennison has to give a presentation about being a police officer to a completely apatheticgroup of students in one scene, and her fumbling nervousness reminds us of just how human thecharacter is.
The same caliber of 2.0 here as with the rest of the series. The strong point is theenvironmental effects. The surround is given a solid work-out whenever background noise (inexteriors or crowd scenes) is called for. The dialogue is not drowned out, however (and this isa series where dialogue is given pride of place).
If you’ve read the reviews for the rest of the series, than this is going to sound awfullyfamiliar, because the quality is on par. The picture is sharp when we’re in medium to close-uprange, but can go soft pretty easily further back. The grain level is acceptable (though notperfect). The colours are rather drab, though that is in keeping with the depressing setting of theshow.
Special Features
Closing Thoughts
The releases in this series are very similar one to the next, in that none have extras, and allhave snazzy cases. The shows themselves are all very high calibre crime thrillers.