Dean Cain arrives at a secret base in California to take over as head of security from hisRussian predecessor. (Why is the other guy Russian? Because the movie was shot in EasternEurope.) He arrives in time for a DNA cloning experiment conducted by the chief scientist/chiefweasel (whose accent sounds more like Moscow than the Chicago of which he supposedly anative). The experiment results in the Jurassic Park-style resurrection of a fire-breathingdragon.
What follo…s is a great deal of the usual running-around-tunnels, so depressingly universal inB-level monster flicks. The characters behave like such total idiots that all sympathy evaporates,the dialogue is several orders of degree beyond inane, and the science on display utterlynonsensical. Director Phillip Roth (who seems to be making an entire career based on these kindsof films) tries to liven up the visuals with a non-stop parade of split-screen effects, but the resultis irritating and pointless (and I won’t even get into the ludicrous use of impossible closed-camera shots). Then there’s the perversity of taking a winged dragon and cramping the creaturein underground tunnels. The climax finally gives the CGI creature flight, but most viewers willlikely have given up long before then. The pace may be rapid, but the cliches and stupiditiesoverpower everything else.
The 2.0 track is active enough in its use of the rear speakers, but overall is a bit thin and veryweak in volume. You’ll need to crank this puppy to get it to an acceptable level. The waterynature of the sound gives the synth score an excessively 80’s feel. The whole is too rear heavy aswell, and sound effects are in surround whether they should be or not. Explosions sound anaemic,but the opening rockslide isn’t bad.
Given that there is so much split screen going on here, the fullscreen format is a bit of asurprise. The result could be worse, however. (Now if only the use of this technique made anysense.) The picture is soft and moderately-to-very grainy, and the colours are rather dull. Avisually drab experience.
Special Features
The trailer, and that’s it. The main screen of the menu is scored.
Closing Thoughts
The only thing the film really has going for it is that it features a dragon. Even for big dragonfans, though, this is a bit of a chore.
Special Features List
- Trailer