Alec Guinness plays a man who appears to be a nobody, and that is just what he wants you tothink. He has worked to establish his reputation as the most unassuming, yet reliable, employeethe Bank of England has. His goal: to rob the bank of a vast amount of gold bullion. His plancomes together when he joins forces with Stanley Holloway, Sidney James and Alfie Bass. Theheist itself is, naturally, only the beginning of the zaniness.
As with the o…her films in this series, the sound is the original mono. The quality is fine:crisp, clear, warm and free of both distortion and noise. A stereo remix here would be bothunnecessary and unwanted.
A very nice picture. There is some grain, but the image is sharp, there is virtually no printdamage, and there is no visible edge enhancement. The ratio is the original 1.33:1.
Special Features
The same as the other films in the collection: the Alec Guinness bio, fine liner notes, and atrailer. The menu has animated transitions and introduction, and otherwise is scored.
Closing Thoughts
One of the more rambunctious of the Ealing Studio comedies, and another showcase ofGuinness’ jaw-dropping versatility. Watch the box set back-to-back, and you’ll find it difficult tobelieve that all these roles are played by the same person.
Special Features List
- Bio
- Trailer
- Liner Notes