Due to the clumsy snake-repelling tactics of novelist William Katt, the passengers of anAfrican river boat find themselves stuck on Snake Island. They don’t realize they’re in trouble, atfirst, taking time out to party and dance, but soon their numbers stuck being cut down. It seemsthat the snakes on this island have become very smart and are single-minded in their goal ofcleansing the island of humans
The extended party sequence, complete with mandatory (if nonsensical) nu…e shots, is butone instance of filler in this piece. The film could be tightened by a good ten minutes As well,some of the dialogue is almost abstract in its absurdity. On the other hand, some of the dialogueis also very funny. Though the scares are played straight, the film never takes itself too seriously.Some moments are priceless, such as when the heroine dreams the snakes are singing to her.(“They called me a bitch,” she complains upon waking. Why does everybody keep calling me abitch?”) Solid, stupid fun for 90 minutes.
The dialogue is clear and crisp, and the 2.0 works overtime in the surround arena, pumpingout all sorts of jungle sounds and loud music. As with many other discs of this kind, however,the rear speakers are given far too much to do, with the result that the music (not to mentionother aspects of the soundtrack) feels diluted, and lacks the power a proper balance of front andrear would provide.
Lots of nice, lush, jungle greens here, in another disappointing fullscreen transfer. Contrastsand blacks are fine, and there is no visible edge enhancement. There is a bit of grain, however,but the main issue is the softness, especially around the edges. The picture simply doesn’t havethe clarity of a first-rate release.
Special Features
Nothing here but the trailer. The menu is scored.
Closing Thoughts
A bare bones disc, but the movie has an assured, goofy cockiness that makes it hard todislike.
Special Features List
- Trailer