The Carter family might appear to have it all. But as this is a Movie of the Week, we knowthat these people are really a dysfunctional calamity. And so they are: Dad is a tyrant, Mom isa social-climbing bitch-on-wheels, daughter is terrified of becoming like her mother and so hasan abortion behind her husband’s back rather than risk being a mother, older son (Jim Carreyin a supporting role) is a disappointment in every aspect, and Perfect Younger Son turns out tobe gay. My …oodness gracious.
That’s a whack of trauma to pack into one suburban family. And I haven’t even mentionedthe attempted suicide and the failed wedding yet. The only thing missing is Freddy Krueger. Thewhole thing is delivered in that We’re Examining Serious Questions Here fashion familiar fromParty of Five, but with all humour removed. The earnestness is well-meaning, but a bithard to take, and the character arcs are predictable (Dad may be domineering, but he means welland so is capable of redemption; Mom is only interested in social standing, and so should be castinto fiery perdition). Of interest for Jim Carrey fans to see what he was up to in 1992, butotherwise, this is not really any different from dozens of other TV movies. Still and all, a talentedcast give it their all.
The 2.0 sound is decent enough, as TV product goes, and actually has more environmentaleffects than I’ve encountered in many similar releases. The dialogue does have some distortion,however, and sometimes sounds a bit harsh.
The sound may be all right, but the picture is pretty bad. Though the colours are good, thepixelation is severe, casting a veil over the images and making the film look as if it’s beenrubbed with very rough sandpaper. There is some grain too, and the image is soft. And there stillmore: some of the colours and patterns shimmer. Ugly stuff indeed.
Special Features
Nothing but a TV spot. The menu is basic.
Closing Thoughts
Wallowers in weekly suffering will enjoy this, but it is fundamentally pretty pedestrian, andthe picture is terrible.
Special Features List
- TV Spot