Michael Ironside, in his patented bastard role, is pulling the strings on a secret militaryexperiment in weather control. The test goes wrong, killing the wife of Dale Midkiff and ruiningthe career of pilot Gregor Toerzs. Four years later, an asteroid grazes Earth’s atmosphere, andtriggers a superstorm. If this hurricane isn’t shut down in a matter of hours, it will go critical andrage for centuries. Hauled back in to save the day are Midkiff and Toerzs, now flying a souped-up 747 …nto the eye of the storm with a big flashy gadget that just might save the day.
The title is generic (haven’t there been hundreds of action movies with this name?), and soare the characterizations (and that’s being generous). But you don’t watch this kind of film fornuanced character development. The movie promises action, and it does its level best to liveup its title. The scenes of the storm hitting land are rather unexciting, but the aerial sequencesare a non-stop barrage of CGI that works surprisingly well. Above all, the movie is fast.It’s enough to restore your faith in cheese.
The 2.0 soundtrack goes berserk with the storm sound effects. The result is, it must beadmitted, satisfyingly loud, and the surround sound roar is constant. If anything, the audio is abit too enthusiastic with both storm and music: the rear speakers threaten to drown out the front,and the dialogue frequently disappears under a welter of thunder and engine roar.
The fact that the aspect is fullscreen is unsurprising, if disappointing. The picture is alsoquite soft, and there is some grain. Still, the colours are good, as are the flesh tones, the blacksand the contrasts. There isn’t any noticeable edge enhancement either. A good enough transferto get by on, but not much more.
Special Features
Nothing but the trailer. The menu is scored.
Closing Thoughts
In for some good, cheap, stupid fun with lots of stuff going boom and people yelling? Youcould do worse.
Special Features List
- Trailer