Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite!
Posted in Disc Reviews by Jeremy Butler on November 11th, 2020
“And so it began. 30,000 years ago, man discovered his best friend. Dogs were man’s best friend and only animal companion for the next 15,000 years. And then cats came into the house, y’all. For the next 15,000 years cats and dogs fought each other, hissing and barking and breaking things along the way. With the emergence of technology, harmless skirmishes grew into diabolical plots as cats and dogs tried to eliminate each other as humans’ companion. Eventually humans grew tired, so dogs and cats had to do something if they wanted to stay the number 1 and number 2 animals in the human household. Cat and dog leaders worked together to stop these plots and formed an organization called The Furry Animals Rivalry Termination… The last decade has been the most peaceful in centuries.”
This movie is proof positive that Hollywood refuses to let a franchise die.
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