Tuesday Round Up: April 25, 2017
Posted in Tuesday Round Up by J C on April 25th, 2017
It’s a jungle out there, my friends. And judging by at least one noteworthy arrival this week, it also happens to be a jungle in here at UpcomingDiscs HQ! Warner Bros. was kind enough to send us a copy of Animal Kingdom: Season 1, which is based on the acclaimed Aussie crime drama. Meanwhile, Film Detective is out for blood with The Vampire Bat, and CBS/Paramount carries on The Affair: Season 3. Finally, you can already read our take on Sony’s action-packed The Marine 5: Battleground.
Here’s your weekly reminder before signing off until May: if you’re shopping for anything on Amazon and you do it through one of our links, it’ll help keep the lights on here at UpcomingDiscs. See ya next week!